
This tender, aquatic plant, commonly known as Water Fern, is a native to Central and South America, India, Africa, and northern temperate Europe. It produces thin stems covered with leaves borne in whorls of three. Two leaves float and are covered with fine, whitish hairs and the other grows underneath the water.

Pot Cultivation

Water Ferns are simply set on the surface of the water to float. These plants multiply rapidly and will have to be controlled by netting the excess out of the water. Water Ferns are tender and may be wintered indoors in an aquarium with adequate lighting. The minimum temperature should be 60° F., but temperatures in the 70s are best. The plants can be grown in containers filled with a few inches of decayed leaf mold or peat and then with water.


Sporocaps grow among the submerged leaves and sink to the bottom in the fall as the plant dies. These germinate and produce male and female organs. When the female parts are fertilized they produce new plants. Winter some plants indoors to ensure a supply for the next year.

S. auriculata 


S. auriculata 

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